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The Essay Formatting System
——Server-side Design and Implementation
Modification the format of thesis is always a troublesome thing. In order to make the thesis match the format before the final version or text need many times amending, which is a waste of time. This system is mean to solve the problem which can modify the format of the thesis automatically, and create the format easily.
This system is a web application based on Java platform. JSP is the background program language while html and JavaScript as the forestage program language. The system is stable and can be replanted by using the MYSQL5.0 as the database.
The transmission and storage of the document in the system are all using xml form. Using the xml as the middle state of the data is convenience for the system expending, after the format of the thesis will create a formatted word or PDF document.
This system is designed by using the most popular technology, such as AJAX technique to check registration. This system is designed based on b/s mode.

Key words: format; replant; database
目    录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 1
1.4 本课题的研究方法 1
2 论文格式化系统总体设计 2
2.1 论文格式化系统的需求分析 2
2.1.1 功能需求 2
2.1.2 性能需求 2
2.2 论文格式化系统选型 2
2.2.1 设计语言的选择 3
2.2.2 数据库的选择 4
2.2.3 开发工具的选择 5
2.2.4 文档转换技术的选择 5
2.3 环境搭建 6
2.3.1 安装jdk 6
2.3.2 安装Tomcat 6
2.3.3 安装Mysql 7
2.3.4 安装JDBC驱动程序: 7
3 论文格式化系统详细设计 7
3.1 系统功能模块和结构设计 7
3.2 设计思想 9
3.3 数据库设计 9
3.3.1数据库需求分析 9
3.3.2数据库实体关系设计 9
3.3.3数据库逻辑设计 10
3.4 前台界面的设计 11
3.4.1 首页的设计 11
3.4.2 登录页面的设计 12
3.4.3 用户不存在页面的设计 12
3.4.4 密码错误页面的设计 12
3.4.5 登录成功页面的设计 12
3.4.6 注册页面的设计 13
3.4.7 注册成功页面的设计 13
3.4.8 提取或显示记录页面的设计 13
3.5 后台的编写 14
3.5.1 数据库操作模块 14
3.5.2 用户登录模块 15
3.5.3 注册及验证模块 15
3.5.4 记录上传与下载模块 16
3.5.5 文档转换模块 17
3.6 xslt模板 21
3.7 xslt简介 21
3.8 web.xml文件的配置 23
结    论 25
参考文献 25
致    谢 26
声    明 27


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